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February 29, 2012

Receive Your Celebrity Smile Makeover in Atlanta

Tom Cruise certainly has a lot to smile about. We’re not just talking about his successes as an actor and producer, but his smile enhancements gave him a new grin worthy of the spotlight. Dr. Pate can transform your smile so you, too, can achieve a superstar beam.

Tom Cruise’s Smile Makeover

You may recall a young Tom Cruise in The Outsiders. You may also remember his unappealing smile. It appeared as if each tooth was stained and going in a different direction. Some of his teeth were overlapping and his enlarged front tooth was twisted at an uncomfortable angle. Since then, Tom’s smile has undergone major dental and orthodontic work.

During a trip to the orthodontist with one of his children, the actor discovered that his jaw and teeth were out of alignment. At age 39, the star decided to use orthodontic treatments to adjust his teeth. He wore clear braces with only the connecting wire visible. Fortunately for you, Dr. Pate offers Invisalign clear aligners, so you can invisibly straighten your teeth without any connecting wires or uncomfortable brackets.


February 8, 2012

Pet Dental Health

Eating table scraps, licking people, and digging through trash cans and outdoor surroundings can make your pet’s mouth very dirty. Dental disease affects 78% of dogs and 68% of cats, and poor dental health can lead to bacterial infection and tooth loss in any species.  Since your canine or feline doesn’t have access to professional dental care by Dr. Pate like you do, it’s important that you understand how to keep your pet’s mouth clean.

Pet Dental Problems

This month is National Pet Dental Health month. P. gulae is the bacteria responsible for causing gum disease in animals. Dental problems in pets can cause pain, discomfort, shyness, and irritability. Contact your vet if you notice any of these oral symptoms in your pet:

  • Tartar buildup
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding
  • Difficulty eating or chewing
  • Wincing when touched near mouth
  • Red gums


February 1, 2012

Children’s Dental Health in February

Children miss about 51 million hours of school each year due to dental problems and treatments. It’s important to emphasize proper oral care for kids.  This can reduce irritability, behavior problems, and decreased performance during the day resulting from dental pain. The American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month in February to promote awareness of dental care for kids. This year’s NCDHM features the slogan, “Rock Your Smile,” to help children get an awesome smile, one that rocks!

Children’s Dental Health

To help improve the status of children’s oral care, take a look at some of the unfortunate statistics about current dental dangers.

  • Tooth decay is the second most common childhood illness, following the common cold.
  • Researchers found that about 80 percent of children are already infected with the cavity-causing bacteria, S. mutans, by the time they are two years old.
  • Advertisers spend about $900 million each year on television ads aimed at children under age 12. More than two-thirds of this advertising promotes junk food, which can promote tooth decay. (more…)