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March 22, 2012

Are You a Sleeping Beauty?

We have discussed the importance of getting a good night’s sleep to keep your body strong and healthy, but there may be another reason you want to stay rested. A recent survey from Sweden shows that getting an adequate amount of sleep can help make you more attractive. Dr. Pate can help resolve your sleep problems so you can really get your “beauty sleep.”

Researchers asked observers to rate a series of photographs. Each participant had two photos—one taken after a good night’s sleep, and one taken after being awake for 31 hours. The observers rated the participants in the sleep-deprived photos as less healthy, less attractive, and more tired.

So how does sleep make you look more attractive? First of all, sleep gives your body the energy it needs to function properly throughout the day. If you stay awake all night, you won’t feel refreshed the next day and your body will feel sluggish. When it comes to appearance, sleep deprivation often leaves bags under your eyes and droopy skin. On the contrary, when your body is well-rested, your eyes will appear wider and your facial muscles will lift.


March 13, 2012

Remove Stains and Enjoy a Brighter Smile!

Are you frustrated with your over-the-counter whitening kit because it’s taking too long to brighten your smile? If you have stubborn tooth stains that you just can’t remove, it’s time to contact your Atlanta cosmetic dentist. Dr. Peter Pate offers many cosmetic treatments that can enhance your smile and eliminate those deep tooth discolorations.

Whiten Your Teeth

Dr. Pate offers two forms of professional whitening. First, we can remove discolorations with the Zoom!  in-office whitening treatment. Dr. Pate will apply a whitening gel to your teeth and use an ultraviolet light to lighten your teeth up to eight to ten shades—in just one visit!

Our second option, at-home whitening, is for those who prefer to brighten at their own pace. Ask Dr. Pate for a take-home whitening kit. You will fill the tray with a special whitening formula (provided by Dr. Pate) and wear your trays for a specified time.

Professional teeth whitening services use stronger whitening formulas than over-the-counter treatments, so you will see results and remove those stubborn stains in minimal time. Additionally, Dr. Pate will supervise your treatment to ensure that your teeth, gums, lips, and whole mouth are safe during the process.


March 1, 2012

What are Taste Buds?

Taste is the weakest of your five senses, but it’s responsible for the different flavors you experience when you eat. In general, girls have more taste buds than boys. Taste buds are tiny nerve endings that send messages to your brain to help you sense a taste. How much do you know about your taste buds? Test your knowledge and visit Dr. Pate to make sure the taste in your mouth is healthy.

1. What are the bumps on your tongue called?

a. Papillae
b. Ridges
c. Palate

2. What are the five main tastes?

a. Sugar, fruity, sour, spicy, creamy
b. Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami
c. Dairy, bread, meat, dessert, beverage


January 24, 2012

What Happens When I Sleep?

In a previous blog post, we discussed the risks, causes, and symptoms of sleep apnea. Dr. Peter Pate offers his patients snoring and sleep apnea treatments. Scientists devote a lot of research to sleep. Although we spend nearly 30% of our life in bed, we are often unaware of the science of sleep. Below are a few interesting facts and trivia dedicated to what happens while we rest.

Facts You May Not Know About Sleep

  • Sleep is a necessity. Sleep deprivation can result in death before starvation. In as little as 10 days without sleep, you could be facing mortality.
  • There are four stages of sleep that you progress through in your sleep cycle. The deepest stages of sleep help your organs and tissues repair from daily damage
  • Outside of the four sleep stages, you enter Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep multiple times throughout the night
  • In the past, researchers believed that humans only dreamed during REM sleep. However, recent findings have shown that we dream throughout the night, but REM dreaming is more vivid and strange. (more…)

January 18, 2012

How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea?

Did you know that Dr. Peter Pate treats patients with sleep apnea? In addition to general and cosmetic dentistry, he provides treatment for sleepy Atlantans, too!

What is sleep apnea?

Over 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and over 40% of adults snore when they sleep. As we learn more about this sleep disorder, we have discovered that sleep apnea is more common than we thought. While you are sleeping, the soft tissues in your mouth relax. As these tissues relax, they can cause obstruction of your airways. Most patients with sleep apnea are disrupted by breathing cessation during their rest. For a few seconds, or even longer than a minute, you can stop breathing. During the short periods throughout the night that you stop breathing, you awaken from sleep. Some patients also experience choking and gasping during these periods. (more…)

January 5, 2012

What Do Your Teeth Say About You?

Your smile says a lot about you. It’s a proven fact that people with attractive, healthy smiles are perceived to be friendly and intelligent and are more likely to be promoted at work, earn more money, and have personal and professional success.

Buckhead dentist Dr. Peter Pate knows the importance of a beautiful and healthy smile. Take a look at the dental characteristics below and see if your dental traits match your personality traits.

The Shape of Your Teeth

Your front two top teeth are called the central incisors and serve as the center of your smile. They also indicate age. Younger people tend to have rectangular-shaped central incisors with rounded corners, while the central incisors of older people often become square with square corners as they shorten with age.

The teeth to the immediate left and right of your central incisors are called lateral incisors, and they indicate gender. Women have lateral incisors that are slightly shorter than the central incisors and rounded at the tips. Men, on the other hand, tend to have lateral incisors that are close to the same length as the central incisors and are more square-shaped. (more…)

October 26, 2011

5 Reasons to Smile!

A simple smile can make a big difference. Smiling helps you live longer, improves your attractiveness, and reduces stress levels. People love to be around happy folks, and smiling is good for the soul.

Why Should I Smile?

1.       Smiling changes our mood. When you’re feeling blue, have you ever tried just smiling? Putting on a simple smile can trick your mind and body into being in a better mood. So turn that frown upside, and you will have a better day.

2.       Smiling relieves stress. When we are stressed, it shows all over the face and body. The jaw starts to clench, lines appear on the face, muscles tense up, and we looked tired and worn. A smile can relieve that tension and help you relax. Sometimes, when dealing with stress, the best thing to do is take a moment to smile and calm down, and you’ll realize that everything is going to be alright.

3.       Smiling makes you look younger and more attractive. We are all searching for the Fountain of Youth to maintain vibrant, youthful beauty forever. Smiling big can do the trick– the muscles we use to smile lift our face, so it’s like having a natural face lift. People are also drawn to others who emit warmth and kindness, so wearing a smile can also make you popular.

4.       Smiling helps you stay positive. It’s hard to think negatively when you have a smile on your face—just try it. When your body looks happy, but your mind is thinking unhappy thoughts, it’s hard to continue to stay negative. Keep depression and negative thoughts away by smiling.

5.       Smiling makes you look successful. We all strive to be successful and taken seriously. Right now, finding a job is hard enough because of the poor economy. Put a big smile on your face when you go in for that interview, and you’ll improve your chances of making a great impression. Smiling will help you stand apart from the other applicants. Your future employer will be impressed if you have a genuine smile.

Smiling can make differences in your life. It can help you become happy, healthy, and confident, so why not get the best treatment for your smile? If you’d like brighter, bolder, more attractive teeth, schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Peter Pate at Dentistry in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA, today. Call 404-266-9424 to find out what he can do to increase your face value.

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