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February 1, 2012

Children’s Dental Health in February

Children miss about 51 million hours of school each year due to dental problems and treatments. It’s important to emphasize proper oral care for kids.  This can reduce irritability, behavior problems, and decreased performance during the day resulting from dental pain. The American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month in February to promote awareness of dental care for kids. This year’s NCDHM features the slogan, “Rock Your Smile,” to help children get an awesome smile, one that rocks!

Children’s Dental Health

To help improve the status of children’s oral care, take a look at some of the unfortunate statistics about current dental dangers.

  • Tooth decay is the second most common childhood illness, following the common cold.
  • Researchers found that about 80 percent of children are already infected with the cavity-causing bacteria, S. mutans, by the time they are two years old.
  • Advertisers spend about $900 million each year on television ads aimed at children under age 12. More than two-thirds of this advertising promotes junk food, which can promote tooth decay. (more…)

January 25, 2012

What’s in Your Mouth?

When you look at the inside of your mouth using a mirror, what do you see? There are many components that help your mouth stay healthy and function properly. Dr. Peter Pate can explain how to keep all the parts of your mouth healthy.

The Visual Parts

When you open your mouth, you can see a number of important features::

  • Teeth: The white part of a tooth is called the crown. The roots of your teeth are located under your gums, and help attach your teeth into your jaw bone. You may notice that your teeth are different shapes and sizes to help with different parts of chewing.
  • Gums: The pinkish tissue that supports your teeth is called your gums. When you look at your mouth, your teeth are attached to your gums. Red, swollen, or bleeding gums are signs of periodontal disease, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.
  • (more…)

December 31, 2011

Keep Germs Outside Your Mouth

Many viruses and illnesses can be spread from person to person. Everyone has different bacteria that could infect others, and every time you touch your mouth, you could be exposing yourself to other people’s bacteria. Dr. Pate can reduce the amount of dangerous bacteria in your mouth to help keep you healthy. How do germs travel from the outside environment to inside your mouth?


With just one kiss, you swap more than 500 types of bacteria. Tooth decay, cold sores, and other mouth hazards can be transferred through kissing. In addition, with cold and flu season among us, remember that coughs and sneezes can push bacteria through the air, which you can inhale. Sharing dishes, cups, toothbrushes, and other items that come in contact with your mouth will also spread bacteria.


November 30, 2011

Fruit cake: The dreaded holiday dessert

You cannot escape a grocery store during the holiday season without seeing fruit cake. This traditional treat is chock full of nuts and sticky dried fruits and seems unappealing to most. Although the taste alone is enough to turn many away, there are actually some other health reasons to re-gift this bready brick this year.

The truth is, fruit cake can secretly destroy your smile. Many people use candied or dried fruit to bake into their loaves. These fruit pieces can be sticky and sugary, causing tooth decay or even pulling out fillings! In addition, some varieties have hard nuts blended in with the cake. When you accidentally bite down on a nut, it could cause a tooth to chip or crack. If you choose to indulge in this devious delectable, make sure the cake is cooked well enough to soften the ingredients, and chew carefully!


November 23, 2011

What is the Wishbone?

Breaking the wishbone is a popular Thanksgiving tradition. You may have battled your siblings for a shot at the wishbone pull since you were a kid, but how much do you know about the history of the wishbone?

1. What is the wishbone?

a. The collarbone
b. The rib
c. The leg

2. What animal’s bones were believed to have supernatural powers in medieval Europe?

a. Turkey
b. Chicken
c. Goose

3. Who started the Thanksgiving tradition of breaking the wishbone?

a. Your grandparents
b. The Pilgrims
c. The president

4. What is commonly believed to happen when you get the bigger half of the wishbone?

a. You get money
b. You’re unlucky
c. Your wish will come true

5. What is another name for the wishbone?

a. The lucky bone
b. The merrythought
c. The bone of thanks


November 18, 2011

Quick Snacks for Active Families

Do you feel like you’re always running? Soccer, ballet, PTA, church — the list of commitments goes on and on. Active families can easily miss out on healthy eating opportunities because of their tight schedules. Modern families often forgo a sit-down, home-cooked meal for McDonald’s or KFC. Dashboard dining can ruin all the hours you put in at the gym. These poor meal choices are often accompanied by colas, which can subject your teeth to a sugar bath.

You can have a jam-packed schedule and a healthy diet, but you’ll have to prepare for success.

At the Grocery Store: When shopping, don’t stuff your buggy with pre-packaged sweets and starches like crackers. Instead, hit up the perishable aisles. Yogurt, cheese, and milk come in small, disposable containers, and these dairy foods are packed with protein. They’re also good for your teeth, bones, and overall health. Don’t miss the fruit and veggie aisle. Produce companies have become wise to the needs of busy families. You can now buy small containers of carrots, apples, and grapes. Small bananas and clementine oranges are fun, kid-sized fruits that come in nature’s disposable packaging.

When Unpacking the Groceries: Keep the sweets up high and in the back of the cabinet. Place nutritious snacks on low pantry shelves and in the bottom bins of the refrigerator. As part of putting away your groceries, pack granola and cereals in small sandwich or snack bags. These treats can take the place of Little Debbie snack cakes and Hostess cupcakes. Place a variety of your nutritious grab-bags in a bin, and store it at eye-level for kids.

Good Old H20: Water is best served pure. Don’t offer your kids an option to add sugary or even artificially sweetened water bottle packets. To please everyone, keep some water bottles in the pantry at room temperature, and stock some on the bottom shelves of your refrigerator door. If someone in the family just must have flavoring, keep diced fresh fruit available. Adding a few chopped strawberries, a slice of orange, or a sprig of mint to a water bottle is healthier than adding pre-packaged mixes.

Dr. Pate’s Active Lifestyle: If you’re in search of a family dentist who prioritizes whole health and living well, you’re in the right place. In addition to being a dentist, small business owner, husband, and father, Dr. Pate is an Ironman. As such, the doctor completed the grueling Ironman Lake Placid this summer.  This is a triathlon consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bike, and a marathon (42.195-kilometre  or 26.219 mile run) with no breaks. That was nearly 14 hours of workout, start to finish. When it comes to an active lifestyle, Dr. Pate understands! He lives one himself.

Call Dentistry in Buckead at 404-266-9424 to schedule your dental visit with Dr. Peter Pate. Our Atlanta dental office will do our best to take care of your smile.

November 17, 2011

Turkey Talk

The turkey will probably be the main dish at your Thanksgiving feast. How much do you really know about the bird you’re going to gobble?

Test your turkey trivia.

1.   Who preferred the turkey as the national symbol of America, instead of the bald eagle?

a. Christopher Columbus
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. George Washington

2.   True or False? A female turkey is called a chicken.

3. What is a baby turkey called?

a. Poult
b. Pup
c. Turk

4.   What is a male turkey called?

a. Rooster
b. Chicken
c. Tom


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