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May 31, 2011

Kick the Habit

Are you a tobacco user? This is a great time to kick the habit!  The American Cancer Society recently stated that 90 percent of people with oral cancer used at least one form of tobacco.

In addition to cancer, tobacco products increase the risk of gum disease, discolor your teeth, give you bad breath, slow your healing after an oral procedure, and can cause white patches and scar tissue inside the mouth.

The tobacco industry recently introduced a dissolvable tobacco product for smokers to use in establishments that ban smoking. The marketing led consumers to believe that smokeless tobacco and dissolvable tobacco products are less harmful than pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. However, snuff, chewing tobacco, and dissolvable tobacco contain more nicotine than cigarettes, thus making them more addictive.

Nicotine is bad enough, but consider the added chemicals that increase the risk of throat, oral, and esophageal cancers.  These products contain cyanide, arsenic, sand, grit, sugars, and sweeteners that irritate gums, generating a higher risk of gum disease.  Gum disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss.

Kicking the habit now will reduce your potential for gum disease. When left untreated, gum disease increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, pre-term births, low birth-weight babies, and oral cancer.

I’m Dr. Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead, and I encourage you to be aware of oral cancer and give up tobacco products forever.  Improve the quality of your life, and those of your friends and loved ones!  If you need help quitting, or if you need your teeth whitened after you quit, contact my Atlanta dental office at (404)266-9424 to schedule an appointment. I care for patients in Buckhead and the greater Atlanta area.

May 20, 2011

HPV: Strong Link to Oral Cancer!

We’ve heard a lot lately about the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. Usually this is introduced to us by our physicians as it relates to our reproductive health.  HPV is most easily transmitted through sexual contact, and is strongly linked to cervical cancer.  However, there is new evidence that connects HPV to declining oral health as well.  Would you believe that the HPV positive group is the fastest growing segment of the oral cancer population?

I’m Dr. Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead.  It is important that you understand the dangers of HPV and what it can mean for your oral health. I recommend that you first become familiar with the characteristics of the virus and the way it is transmitted, and then learn how to best prevent you and your loved ones from contracting this destructive bug.

Although over 120 different versions of HPV have been identified, the most common strands are HPV-16, 18, 31, and 45. The virus is most easily spread through unprotected sexual contact. All of these HPV strands wreak havoc on the skin and mucosal linings of body tissues and results in an attack of the cells which can lead to various forms of cancer.

Specifically in the mouth, HPV-16 seems to be the culprit for the increasing rates of oral cancer in young adults. The virus manifests itself primarily in the back regions of the oral cavity like the base of the tongue, the back of the throat, and the tonsils. The double stranded DNA virus comes in contact with these areas in the mouth and infects the epithelial cells of the mucosa. The infected cells in the mouth can degrade and mutate to become squamous cell carcinomas (oral cancer).

So, how do you keep from getting HPV? The easiest and most effective way to safeguard yourself is to abstain from unprotected sexual contact – including oral sex, which is what causes the oral cancer we just discussed. Secondly, most physicians offer the HPV vaccine that can be administered at ages as young as 10 years old. This vaccine is thought to offer protection against the most harmful types of HPV, including HPV-16.

Now that you know what HPV is and how it is spread, I would like to remind you that it is vital that you continue your regular hygiene visits. In addition to the examination and cleaning, we screen for any signs of oral cancer. If you are due to visit us, schedule a thorough checkup and cleaning with me, Dr. Peter Pate at Dentistry in Buckhead. Contact my Atlanta dental office at (404)266-9424 to schedule an appointment.

May 12, 2011

Catch Your ZZZ’s to Prevent Disease!


At times sleep can be elusive, but it is important to overall health and oral health. Sleep impacts your memory, curbs inflammation, spurs your imagination, sharpens your attention, lowers stress levels, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and slows the progression of periodontal disease.

Your mind and body are very active during sleep. While sleeping, cells repair themselves, and hormones and the immune system reset. With an out-of-whack immune system, the body can’t fight illness or disease effectively.

When you feel worn down due to sleep deprivation, your body’s immune system is suppressed. Then the body is slower to produce the antibodies needs to fight infections. The less sleep you get, the weaker the immune system becomes.

A recent study in Japan revealed that people who slept less than seven hours a night stood a greater chance of developing periodontal disease than those who slept seven to eight hours a night. Researchers concluded that the lack of sleep weakened the immune system, causing the gum disease to progress more rapidly.

Several factors may affect your sleep: stress, medications, diet, your mattress, or obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occurs when soft tissues in the throat and mouth collapse and block the airflow during sleep.

If you experience sleepless nights due to sleep apnea or snoring, contact me, Dr. Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead. I can determine if you need treatment for sleep apnea or require a snoreguard to keep your airway open as you sleep. Call my Atlanta dentist office at (404)266-9424 to schedule a consultation. We gladly welcome patients from Buckhead, Sandy Springs, Brookhaven, Lenox, and surrounding areas.

April 16, 2011

Healthy Sweet Substitutes

As people become more health conscious, desserts continue to present a problem. Your sweet tooth will not let you rid your life of sugary treats, but with some smart substitutions, you can find balance.   Try these simple culinary tricks and you will find that you can have your cake and eat it too!

  • Use apple sauce in place of cooking oil
  • Try whole wheat flour instead of white bleached flour
  • Use 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa for every ounce of sweetened chocolate
  • Substitute evaporated skim milk for cream – or better yet, experiment with non-dairy alternatives like almond or coconut milk
  • Bake with xylitol instead of sugar
  • Add vanilla extract or lemon zest to compensate for reduced sugar
  • Use egg whites or egg substitutes instead as opposed to whole eggs
  • Skip the top crust and use fresh or frozen berries in pies
  • Sprinkle cookies, cakes, or brownies with cinnamon, cocoa powder, or powdered sugar instead of frosting

These healthy tips will help control your sweet tooth, while setting you on the road to a healthier diet. Be sure to maintain healthy teeth and gums, as well! Remember to brush two times a day, floss once a day, rinse after meals, and keep your semi-annual dental visits.

If you have concerns about the health of your teeth and gums, or need a thorough cleaning, call me, Dr. Peter Pate at Dentistry in Buckhead, at (404)266-9424 to schedule an appointment. We care for families from Buckhead and throughout Atlanta. Don’t let your sweet tooth cause you pain!

April 6, 2011

Your Mouth, the Tattle Tale

“You are what you eat!” Did you know that during a dental checkup, I am usually able to determine how you have been eating? I’m Dr. Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead, and I can often spot potential nutritional imbalances by examining your teeth and gums.

Your gums reveal nutritional deficiencies such as low zinc, iron, and folic acid.  These deficiencies can promote gum disease.  Indications of other conditions, such as infection and diabetes, may also be identified during your dental visit.

Your teeth will tell me if your diet consists of too many sugary or acidic foods. Foods high in acids or sugar will cause tooth enamel to soften, and may eventually lead to tooth decay. Untreated decay can lead to infection and tooth loss.

Since your dentist is often the first member of your healthcare team to discover potential nutritional problems, you should not skip your regular dental cleanings! During your exam, I will look for signs of periodontal (gum) disease. Studies have shown that poor periodontal health can increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and preterm births.

I hope this post inspires you to establish good eating habits to promote the health of your teeth and gums!  Stay tuned for an upcoming post listing specific foods that are great for your oral health.

If you experience tooth pain, or are in need of your regular exam and cleaning, contact my Atlanta dentist office at (404)266-9424 to schedule an appointment. Remember – your mouth is your first line of defense in fighting disease.

April 3, 2011

Fun Dental Facts

Is visiting the dentist on your list of least favorite activities?  That doesn’t have to be the case.   I’m Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead, and we love to make you smile!  Let’s lighten the mood — chew on our latest set of fun dental facts:

Teeth are as unique as fingerprints. Even identical twins have unique “dental fingerprints!”

Paul Revere not only warned the colonies of the impending British invasion, but he was also a dentist.

Diana Ross, Cher, Carol Burnett, and Jack Klugman improved their smiles with braces after they became celebrities.

Over 200,000 athletes avoid dental injuries each year by using a mouthguard.

Aged cheddar, Swiss, and Monterey Jack are the best cheeses to help maintain your white smile.

Did you know there is a name for burning your mouth on the mozzarella? It’s known as pizza palette.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the first city in the United States to add fluoride to its water supply.

If you need a dentist in the Atlanta area, call me, Dr. Peter Pate at Dentistry in Buckhead. My team and I will address your dental concerns, from toothaches to cosmetic dental issues. We’ll partner with you to create a treatment plan for lifelong dental health. We make dental care fun for the whole family!

January 31, 2011

Say No to Soda Pop

Everyone loves a good glass of bubbly now and then. I’m not talking about champagne; I’m talking about soda! Sodas are sweet, tasty, and come in hundreds of different flavors and colors. There’s nothing better than the sound of a can popping open on a hot summer day, but doctors have discovered a ton of health risks connected with drinking soda pop.

I’m Dr. Peter Pate of Dentistry in Buckhead, and I want to tell you a few reasons why soda may be a thing good to avoid.

  • Soda is truly worthless to your body. “It has absolutely no nutritional value. Soda is filled with sugar and calories and nothing else,” American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Keri M. Gans says. If you think you’re off the hook because you drink diet soda, think again. Diet sodas don’t have any nutritionally redeeming qualities.
  • Soda damages your teeth. Obviously, as a dentist, I want to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Soda and other sugary confections contribute nothing positive to your oral health. The sugar in soda coats your teeth and combines with bacteria in your mouth to form acid. These acids weaken your tooth enamel, which can cause cavities and tooth decay.
  • Drinking soda can weaken your bones. Soda is bad for your bones, just like it’s bad for your teeth. The phosphorous and caffeine agents in soda might contribute to osteoporosis. If you are a soda drinker, your bones might be deprived of calcium because you aren’t drinking enough milk.
  • Soda can harm your major organs. The consumption of soft drinks may be linked to chronic kidney disease, development of metabolic syndrome, increased heart risk, obesity, and liver disease.

Experts say that soda contributes nothing positive to your overall health, and as a care provider, I have to agree. Healthy drinks, however, contain vitamins and minerals your body can utilize. Milk, tea, and fruit juice (in small amounts due to added sugar) are healthy alternatives to soda. Of course, water is the best thing you can give your body. It has the power to rehydrate your body without adding extra calories.

For more information about what you can do to maintain a healthy mouth, please contact my office in Atlanta at (404) 266-9424.

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