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Dental Implants — Buckhead, GA

Rebuild Your Smile To Last a Lifetime

Woman with dental implants in Buckhead smiling

Missing teeth compromise the beauty and function of your smile. Not only do speaking and chewing become more difficult, but your self-confidence can suffer as well. Dental implants look and feel incredibly natural, making them an excellent way to replace missing teeth. In fact, they’re designed to replace the entire structure of missing teeth, unlike dentures or dental bridges that only replace the visible crowns. Dental implants are anchored directly into your jawbone just like your natural teeth, which gives them unmatched stability and comfort. If you’re ready to rebuild your complete smile, contact us today.

Why Choose Dentistry in Buckhead: Peter A. Pate, DDS for Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants?

Diagram of a dental implant in Buckhead

Dental implants are made up of three main components that all play a specific role in replacing your teeth. This includes the prosthetic root, the restoration that rebuilds your smile, and the abutment that provides stability to the restoration and attaches directly to the implant. Working in tandem, these components ensure you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about the restoration moving or becoming loose. In addition, your tooth feels more natural and provides long-term health benefits, both for your mouth and body. These reasons and more are why Dr. Pate and dentists all over the world recommend them over traditional methods.

4 Step Dental Implant Process

Young woman smiling after receiving dental implants

While other restorations and tooth replacements may only take a couple of visits, getting dental implants is a much lengthier process that can take several months. Dr. Pate will carefully walk you through the entire process during your first consultation so that you aren’t surprised by a procedure later down the line. Once you’ve completed the last step, you’ll have a dazzling, strong new smile to enjoy. While certain patients might require additional steps, the implant process can typically be divided into four main stages, as listed below.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist showing a patient a dental implant model

Before the process can even begin, we have to answer an important question: are you a good candidate for dental implants? Dr. Pate will check your mouth, review your oral history, take X-rays of your jawbone, and consider any preliminary procedures that might be necessary (such as tooth extractions and bone grafting) before making a recommendation on how to proceed. If we decide together that dental implant treatment is the right decision for you, we’ll move on to the planning phase and put together a timeline for implant surgery and restoration.

Dental Implant Surgery

Surgeon performing dental implant placement surgery

For this stage, we’ll refer you to a specialist who has years of experience surgically placing dental implants. This is all to ensure you get the best possible results; a true dental implant expert will be in a better position to avoid complications during the surgery and yield results that last for decades. The procedure is usually along the following lines:

  • The area of the mouth where the implant will be placed is numbed; you may also be sedated.
  • The gums are opened up to reveal the underlying bone.
  • The dental implant posts are inserted into the jawbone in carefully chosen spots.
  • Once the implants are in place, the gums are closed, and protective caps are attached to the posts.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Model of implant, abutment, and crown in gumline

The next step, osseointegration, isn’t something that takes place in the dental chair. Rather, it’s the name for the natural process by which bone grows around the dental implants and eventually fuse with them. Once osseointegration is successful, the implants are ready to support a restoration. As such, you’ll then need another surgery for small abutments to be placed on top of the posts. Impressions for the final restoration can be taken once the abutments are in place.

Delivery of Dental Restoration(s)

You’ll return to our office for this last step. Dr. Pate will handle the process of designing and placing your new implant crown, bridge, or denture. The restoration will be fully personalized so that it’s just the right size, shape, and color; that way, when it’s attached to the implant, other people will be unable to tell the difference between the prosthetic and your natural teeth. Last minute adjustments may be made before we anchor the prosthetic to your implants. Once the restoration or restorations are in place, you’ll be ready to use them to eat, speak, and smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

An older woman with dental implants in Buckhead smiling

Dental implants are in a class of their own and benefit your oral health in ways that dental bridges and dentures simply cannot. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), more than 5 million dental implants are placed each year, and it is easy to see why when you consider the many great benefits of dental implants in Buckhead. Although traditional solutions can replicate the look of a full, complete smile, only dental implants can truly mimic the natural tooth structure from the root to the crown. If you are considering these permanent prosthetics to restore your smile, check out the additional advantages you’ll receive by choosing the gold standard for tooth replacement.

Day-to-Day Benefits

A young man and his friends enjoying an outdoor meal together in Buckhead

  • Dental implants make it possible to eat your favorite, nutritious foods once again. Dentures often have a difficult time managing the tougher, more dense textures, but with dental implants, you can easily consume a juicy steak, raw vegetables, and other delectable items from the menu.
  • You’ll enjoy a greater bite force and chewing power that doesn’t leave you worried that your prosthetics might slip or fall out while eating.
  • With dental implants in Buckhead, you can feel more comfortable with your own appearance and enjoy greater confidence, allowing you to fully embrace life. Whether it is attending social events, going out to eat, or preparing to serve as a member of your cousin’s wedding party, you can expect to smile with ease once again.
  • Your oral hygiene will improve because of the ease of maintaining your new prosthetics. Unlike dentures that require regular soaking and specialized cleaners, dental implants act just like regular teeth, which means you can brush and floss without the additional expense of purchasing dedicated cleaning solutions.

Health Benefits

A woman wearing a yellow blouse stands with her arms crossed while smiling and appreciating her new dental implants in Buckhead

  • Healthy teeth aren’t affected like they are with a dental bridge. Because dental implants fit perfectly in the vacated socket left behind by your missing tooth, there is no need to use your healthy teeth as anchors, allowing you to keep your natural tooth structure.
  • Dental implants prevent dental drift, which is the movement of healthy teeth to close the gap left by your missing teeth. This can cause a misalignment issue that often requires orthodontics to fix. With dental implants, this is no longer a problem.
  • Systemic diseases are a real concern for individuals with missing teeth. It is believed that people over the age of 65 with 5 or more missing teeth are at a greater risk for common health problems (i.e., diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc.). By allowing an implant dentist in Buckhead to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you can reduce your risk for oral and overall health problems and potentially extend your lifespan.
  • The jawbone is considered the foundation for successful implant placement. If left to deteriorate because of tooth loss, it can cause your facial shape to chance, resulting in facial collapse. With dental implants, the “root” fuses with the bone and continues to stimulate it, creating a fuller, more youthful appearance.

Long-Term Benefits

A digital image of a single dental implant and all its parts in Buckhead

  • If you’re looking to save money in the long run, choose dental implants in Buckhead. While they are more costly upfront, you’ll enjoy greater cost-savings over time because there will be no need for regular adjustments or replacements, dental adhesives, or special cleaning solutions that often comes with dentures and dental bridges.
  • You can expect a 98% success rate when having your dental implants put into place by a licensed and skilled implant dentist.
  • After 10 years, the success rate of your implant placement only falls to 90-95%.
  • If you commit to taking proper care of your dental implants once they are firmly in place, you can expect them to last decades or even an entire lifetime.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

An older man with dental implants in Buckhead smiling outside

No matter how many teeth you’re missing, dental implants in Buckhead can be customized to fit your needs. During your consultation, we’ll make the best recommendation for your situation, then schedule you for additional appointments going forward. If there’s more than one treatment option, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each and answer any questions to help you make the right choice. At the end of the day, we want you to be able to make the most informed decision possible. In the meantime, you can learn more about the process ahead of your consultation today!

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Implant dentist in Buckhead viewing an X-ray on a computer

Whether or not you can get dental implants depends largely on the strength and health of your jaw. There needs to be enough bone density to support the implant posts. Unfortunately, in many cases lost teeth will cause your jawbone to deteriorate; luckily, even if this happens, you might still be able to get implants if you get a bone graft. This treatment is designed to expand the volume of the jaw’s bone tissue, making it a viable for single or multiple dental implant posts.

Your overall oral health needs to be considered as well. For example, gum disease can eventually affect the jaw and therefore needs to be treated before the implant procedure can move forward. Diabetes will need to be controlled as well to ensure that you’ll heal properly after the surgery. Our team is happy to discuss your existing conditions and any other health concerns you may have at your consultation.

Missing One Tooth

If you’re missing a single tooth, Dr. Pate can restore it with just one implant that’s attached to a dental crown with an adaptor called an abutment. The crown will be matched in shape, size, and color to your existing teeth and will be made of a strong, durable material such as porcelain. With the proper maintenance (regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits), your new tooth can last for decades. Since the implant post will be doing all of the heavy lifting, there’s no need to remove any natural enamel just to have an implant placed.

Missing Multiple Teeth

If you have a row of consecutive missing teeth, 1-2 implants can be used on either side of the gap to support a prosthetic tooth in the middle, forming an implant bridge. Compared to traditional bridges, implant bridges have a stronger hold and provide better chewing power. They’re also easier to clean and can be expected to last much longer.

Missing All Teeth

Dental implants are so versatile that they can even be used to support a denture. We can either create an entirely new denture for you, or in some cases, retrofit your current denture to fit onto implants. Implant dentures offer a number of unique benefits compared to traditional dentures, including better fit (without adhesive), greatly improved chewing ability, and an appliance that lasts much longer.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dentist explaining the cost of dental implants in Buckhead to patient

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, the dental implant procedure is considered to be the “crème de la crème” of available methods. However, before you undergo treatment, you need to feel secure about the process. At Dentistry in Buckhead, we place education first so each patient can feel comfortable about every aspect of the care he or she receives. As you continue reading, you’ll learn some key information about the dental implant process, the costs involved, and why dental implants are well worth the investment. Then, when you’re ready to take the next step, give us a buzz to request a visit with Dr. Pate to have your smile rejuvenated!

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Implant dentist in Buckhead performing a dental exam

Before we can recommend dental implants, we need to confirm if any preparatory treatments are needed ahead of time. This may include treatments like gum disease therapy as healthy gums are crucial to successful dental implant treatment.

We’ll also take into consideration the condition of your jawbone, which is critical to the implant seating properly. If the bone mass is too shallow, narrow or insufficient in some other manner, you may require a grafting procedure, which involves the removal of bone from another part of your body or an outside source that is added to the jawbone. This treatment is separate from the actual surgery performed to place the implant and therefore has its own fees associated with it.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Diagram highlighting an implant bridge and its components

When considering dental implant insertion, take note that there are three main components: the placement of the implant, the abutment and the final restoration, all of which have their own unique costs. Because of this, and because we keep your entire tooth replacement process in-house, we’ll itemize your care so you won’t have to guess about how your investment will be allocated. We are happy to disclose why we choose the brands and materials we use as well.

Final Dental Implant Restoration

Dental restorations resting on a model

Depending on the number of teeth you need replaced and how many implants are necessary to rebuild your smile, the cost of your restoration can vary widely in cost. For example, a dental crown for a single implant generally cost much less than an implant bridge (for a pair of dental implants) or an implant denture (for anywhere between four and six implants).

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dentist explaining how to pay for dental implants in Buckhead

Generally, dental insurance doesn’t cover the placement of dental implants. However, there may be some exceptions depending on your specific needs. Coverage could be available for some preparatory treatments needed to receive dental implants or the implant restoration itself. Our team members will gladly review your plan to confirm what coverage your benefits offer ahead of time and the percentages associated with them.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Piggy bank standing on top of a model of teeth

If you’re more cost-sensitive, you don’t have to worry about bearing the burden up front. At Dentistry in Buckhead, we accept CareCredit, which is a form of low-to-no-interest financing that provides a way to receive the vital care you need in a timely fashion. If you decide to take this route, you’ll need to set up the financing before receiving care, so that once you arrive at our office, you won’t have any payment worries.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Man smiling with dental implants in Atlanta

Dental implants can last upwards of 30 years when maintained properly, but it’s essential that you take all the proper steps to care for them. If you aren’t taking the time to protect your dental implants from becoming damaged, they could end up falling out and needing to be replaced. Fortunately, a few simple precautions are all you need to enjoy your new smile for many years down the road.

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

Woman brushing teeth

Dental implants can’t get cavities themselves, but you still need to practice excellent oral hygiene. In addition to keeping your surrounding teeth in good shape, sticking to a great dental hygiene routine can prevent other dental problems, including gum disease, that can cause your implants to fail. Remember to brush, floss, and rinse with a mouthwash every single day!

Eat a Healthy Diet

Chicken breast and veggies

One of the great things about dental implants is that you don’t have any eating restrictions. You can easily enjoy a full, nutritious meal without too much trouble. Just remember that enjoying an abundance of foods that are hard, sticky, or too sugary can be problematic. Remember to eat foods with plenty of calcium and vitamin C to keep your jawbone and gums in good health.

Break Bad Habits

Man crushing cigarettes

Bad habits can cause your dental implants to fail over time. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products immediately after your procedure, as they can slow down healing and increase your risk of infection. Don’t use your teeth as tools either. You may accidentally damage your dental implant or a surrounding teeth. Instead, find a tool that can help you safely complete your task.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Mouthguard to protect dental implants in Atlanta

Your dental implants are quite strong, but they aren’t indestructible. Be sure to always wear a mouthguard to protect your dental implants (and natural teeth) during sports. If you grind your teeth at night, ask about a nightguard to protect your dental implant from additional wear and tear.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Man at dentist with dental implants in Atlanta

Remember to always attend your regular cleanings and checkups every six months. This way, we can monitor your dental implant and spot any issues as early as we can. By catching any potential issues early on, you can prevent them from becoming more serious and leading to greater consequences, like a failed dental implant.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Blonde woman with oral pain looking concerned

Sometimes complications can occur after dental implant placement, which can lead to problems with your new teeth. The right treatment can help you restore your oral health, and in certain cases, you may be able to save your current dental implant posts if you act quickly enough. Please let us know if you’re having issues with your dental implants; it’s best to get to the root of the problem as quickly as possible so that you can begin treatment.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental Implant FAQs

Man unsure if dental implants in Buckhead are right for him

Getting dental implants in Buckhead is an entire process, and you should be aware of what’s going to happen so that you can plan appropriately. Dr. Pate will be happy to answer any questions you have during your initial consultation as well as later on. Here are just some of the things patients usually want to know before moving forward on the path to a healthier, stronger smile.

Will there by any discomfort during the procedure?

Even though dental implants are surgically placed in the jaw, the procedure actually causes very little discomfort. This is because anesthetic is applied; for particularly anxious patients or lengthy, complicated surgeries, we can also provide nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation to keep you relaxed and pain-free. There might be some swelling and discomfort afterwards, however. This usually lasts a few days, but the exact amount of time will depend on your body’s ability to heal itself.

What can I eat with dental implants?

While you’re recovering from the surgery, you’ll need to limit yourself to soft foods to avoid putting too much stress on your implant and the rest of your mouth. Good options include soup, yogurt, pureed vegetables and mashed potatoes. In most cases, you’ll be able to eat normally again after about three weeks.

Once your implants are successfully integrated with your jaw and have been topped with a permanent restoration, you’ll be able to chew with almost as much power as you could with your natural teeth. As a result, there will normally be very few if any limitations on what you can eat; you’ll be able to enjoy all of your favorite meals again!

Can dental implants fail?

The success rate of implants is anywhere from 95% to 98%, but there are cases where failure can occur, such as an infection around the implant site. However, as a dentist in Buckhead, Dr. Pate will take all of the various factors into account before deciding whether dental implants are viable in your case and what should be done about any potential problems.

If you notice that your implants feel loose in your mouth or notice the signs of an infection (such as swelling or a bad taste in the mouth), it means there could be a serious issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Call our office immediately!

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