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A dental emergency is any situation where the teeth have been severely damaged and/or a person is experiencing significant oral pain. Whatever the case, one thing remains the same: immediate treatment is essential. You may not know what to do when you’re in the middle of a dental emergency because no one ever expects it to happen to them; however, it’s more common than you might realize. If you or a loved one need immediate care, your emergency dentist in Buckhead is here for you.
Dental emergencies often occur without any warning, such as when there’s trauma or an injury. Other times, they result from an untreated dental issue that has been brewing in your mouth, like a cavity. No matter the cause, you need a dentist right away.
Our team is fully trained and equipped to handle a wide variety of dental emergencies, and when you call, we’ll spring into action. We can provide advice over the phone, first-aid tips, and even urgent same-day dental care. While you wait, here’s how to care for a few of the most common situations at home:
There isn’t a set fee for emergency care because the cost is based on your individual treatment plan. We’ll provide you with an estimate and discuss your payment options, like using your dental insurance. We’ll help you find the solutions you need to keep your care affordable to restore a healthy smile.
Should you or a loved one ever experience a dental emergency, be sure to take a second to calm yourself, and then call our office. You can trust that we’ll be there when you need us the most.
Are you ready to learn how you can prevent dental emergencies in Buckhead? Dr. Pate and our team are here to provide helpful tips and techniques to make sure your smile remains decay- and damage-free, so you’re less likely to spend valuable time sitting in the dentist’s chair awaiting immediate assistance. Although not all injuries can be avoided, there are proactive steps you can take to minimize your risk for cavities, gum disease, damage, and other serious dental problems. We invite you to review the list below and contact us with any questions.
It is recommended that all patients keep regular six-month dental checkups and cleanings to avoid the risk of developing cavities or gum disease. These visits make it possible for Dr. Pate to examine your oral cavity and check for signs of abnormalities and decay as well as any potential damage to existing restorations. By keeping these appointments, you are making your oral health a priority, which is necessary if you want to avoid the emergency dentist.
In addition to the twice-yearly dental appointments, you’ll want to keep your smile healthy between visits by practicing a good oral hygiene routine at home. How often you brush (twice a day), floss (at least once before bed), and use mouthwash are necessary when it comes to eliminating bad bacteria within your mouth. Infections, decay, and disease are caused by poor oral health, so if you want to keep your teeth and gums in check, don’t neglect your morning and nighttime dental hygiene routines.
Do you pay attention to what you eat? If not, it’s time to start making healthier choices. Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy are all great options for a healthy diet and are known to improve gum health and strengthen tooth enamel. However, if you consume too many sugars and starches, you’ll be left with cavities that can lead to serious infections. Ultimately, you’ll be left to visit the emergency dental office in Buckhead for treatment. To avoid this type of unexpected visit, make sure you’re swapping out sweets for healthier alternatives.
Are you an avid athlete? Do you enjoy participating in non-competitive sports? Do you tend to grind your teeth at night while asleep? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you could benefit from a customized mouthguard. Wearing these devices keep your teeth and gums safe from possible damage caused by sports-related injuries as well as teeth grinding and clenching. Worn tooth enamel, jaw pain, and broken or knocked-out teeth are less likely to occur when choosing to have a customized mouthguard created for your smile.
If you’re no stranger to using your pearly whites to tear open a package you received in the mail, get ready to spend your day visiting your emergency dentist. Why? Because tooth enamel is not designed to tear anything other than food. Finding scissors or the right tool can reduce your risk for serious injury to your teeth and gums, allowing you to enjoy whatever you recently received in the mail instead of rushing off for emergency help.
Dental emergencies can come very unexpectedly, so it is understandable to have some unanswered questions. After all, you want to be well informed when it comes time for your treatment. Here are the answers to some of the most common dental emergency queries we receive. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, just give us a call! We’d be happy to answer your questions and get you into the practice as soon as possible.
In the majority of cases, toothaches will not go away on their own. It is best for you to schedule an appointment with a dentist to ensure that nothing serious is going on. There are numerous reasons why you could be experiencing a toothache, so it’s important to rule them out with a professional as soon as possible. This way, you can prevent underlying issues before they become more serious.
If you’re dealing with a toothache, it can be difficult for you to sleep at night before you are able to get dental treatment. Try keeping your head elevated to prevent blood from rushing to your head and intensifying your toothache. Taking over-the-counter medication and using a cold compress can also help to reduce discomfort. Avoid foods that are particularly acidic, cold, or hard.
Throbbing tooth pain is likely a sign of infection or inflammation within the tooth. Cavities or cracks in the tooth allow air and bacteria into the sensitive inner area. This results in irritation and potentially infection of the pulp nerves, therefore causing pain. Other causes of throbbing teeth are chronic teeth grinding and clenching.
You should never try to pop a dental abscess on your own. You should always get in touch with a dentist right away since this is considered a dental infection and therefore an emergency. If you pop the abscess on your own, you are only exposing your mouth to more bacteria and irritating the area more. Putting off treatment can allow the infection to spread within the mouth and to other areas of the body, like the neck, throat, and head.
Water can be used to rinse a knocked-out tooth, but the tooth shouldn’t be placed in it. This is because water can damage the root surface cells of teeth and reduce the chances of it being able to be placed back into the socket. Instead, try to place it back into your open socket. If you can’t, use a glass of milk or saline solution and head to the dental office.
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